A memorial site for Elizabeth K. (DeFrain) Martlock

My beloved sister Elizabeth Kathryn DeFrain Martlock passed away on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Gone too soon for all of us who are left broken hearted and mourning the loss of our sister, daughter, niece, aunt and friend.

However, none of us can understand the depth of loss for her two beloved girls. The purpose of this site is to keep a memorial to her life and memory for her family and dear friends, but especially for her two young daughters Olivia and Evelyn, for whom she dedicated all of her energy.

To my baby sister Elizabeth, aka Betsy, aka Lizard breath, aka Bubba,
I think of you every day and I will miss you forever. I will capture every memory, inside joke, photo, unique family experience, the Neff's pool days, Myrtle Beach vacations, our life in New Holland and on Park Avenue, the first babies, the stitches and the snitches, Aunt Lizzie the nanny, your mustang Sally, and everything about who you were to me and our family.  Aunt Anna will tell O + E everything, and keep your smile alive in their hearts until we all meet again.
This is for you, Bubba. 

Love, Anna

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